What Is a Takeover Bid? Definition, Types, and Example

what is a takeover

In 2012, activist investor Carl Icahn acquired 10% of netflix, which quickly adopted a poison pill clause, which targeted investors who held a 10% position or higher position in the company. This move was successful, and Icahn shrunk his position in Netflix to under 4%. For example, if a target company was struggling, they may try to find an acquirer who would find their assets attractive. This outcome tends to be better than closing down the entire company due to bankruptcy for instance, as the acquirer may have funds to pay off the debts or generate the required returns due to synergies. It is when the management and/or board do not consent to a buyout from an acquirer.

what is a takeover

The filing must include data on the bidder’s plans for the company after it has acquired it. In the United States, bidders must include comprehensive details of a tender offer in their filing to the SEC. It must also provide the target company with details regarding its tender offer.

Takeovers are also commonly done through the merger and acquisition process. In a takeover, the company making the bid is the acquirer and the company it wishes to take control of is called the target. A friendly takeover bid takes place when both the acquirer and the target companies work together to negotiate the terms of the deal.

In such cases, taking over the competitor to acquire their distribution systems may also be a reason for a takeover. If a company has highly desirable patents or axitrader review other intellectual property, it may make them a target for a takeover. One reason a company might take another over is sector expansion to enter new markets.

The all-stock deal was valued at $59.5 billion and expands ExxonMobil’s upstream portfolio, promising shareholders double-digit returns. The merger is expected to be completed in the first six months of 2024. In 1998, American automaker Chrysler merged with German automaker Daimler Benz to form DaimlerChrysler. This blackbull markets had all the makings of a merger of equals, as the chairmen in both organizations became joint leaders in the new organization. The merger was thought to be quite beneficial to both companies, as it allowed Chrysler to reach more European markets, and Daimler Benz would gain a greater presence in North America.

Benefits of Takeovers

Due diligence refers to carrying out a thorough examination of the other party’s financial and operational status and history. The bidder tells the target’s board of directors about its intention and makes an offer.The board then advises its shareholders to accept the offer. Takeovers can be friendly, which means they are a mutually beneficial transaction. The acquirer may choose to take a controlling interest in the target firm by purchasing more than 50% of its outstanding shares. In other cases, it may buy the company and operate it as a subsidiary, or purchase the company and merge it into its operations.

This makes sense in situations where the target company has better brand recognition or where doing so provides other market benefits. In these scenarios, shareholders have a lot of power over the direction of the company. But that’s down to voting rights – something not all shares carry. A tender offer normally comes with the caveat that the buyer will only purchase the shares if enough are sold to give them a controlling stake. It’s up to shareholders to decide whether they want to take the offer.

what is a takeover

By this time, Ralcorp had completed the spinoff of its Post cereal division, resulting in approximately the same offering price by ConAgra for a slightly smaller total business. The grant money for EV research and development petered out, and the government announced that by 2027, it would phase out subsidies that lowered the price of electric cars for consumers. Beijing also instituted policies that opened the door for foreign carmakers to invest more in China’s domestic industry and move manufacturing there. Companies that depended on Beijing for subsidies began to implode, and small players got pushed out of the market. But the chaos ended up strengthening the country’s auto sector, ensuring that the most competitive carmakers gained market share. What emerged started to look more like a more mature industry — one with the capacity to manufacture world-class products.

By Industry

As soon as the markets open, it buys a large stake in the target company, causing the target to lose control before it knows what is happening. Management and board of directors of the target firm can strongly resist attempts at takeover through the implementation of tactics, such as a poison pill. In a reverse takeover bid, a private company bids to buy a public corporation. If the board turns down the offer, the potential acquirer can try to force the deal through, called a hostile takeover. At this point, it’s ultimately up to shareholders to decide whether a takeover is the best next step.

  1. This means they can vote on whether a merger or takeover can take place.
  2. The target’s B of D will approve the deal and recommend that shareholders vote in favor of the bid.
  3. Often after a takeover, the acquiring company will cut jobs to reduce redundant positions.
  4. In many cases, your shares in the target company will be replaced with shares in the acquiring company.
  5. A poison put occurs when a target company issues bonds that can be claimed before their maturity date, usually in the event of a takeover.

Our website offers information about investing and saving, but not personal advice. If you’re not sure which investments are right for you, please request advice, for example from our financial advisers. If you decide to invest, read our important investment notes first and remember that investments can go up and down in value, so you could get back less than you put in. It’s important you understand your own preferences and needs before deciding whether or not to hold or make an investment in a takeover target. But a company doesn’t have to have one foot in the grave to become a takeover target. Sometimes, buyers set their sights on companies that are struggling for some reason.

A reverse takeover

A “golden parachute” measure discourages an unwanted takeover by offering lucrative benefits to the current top executives, who may lose their jobs if their company is acquired by another firm. Benefits written into the executives’ contracts include items such as stock options, bonuses, generous severance pay, and so on. Golden parachutes can be worth millions of dollars and can cost the acquiring firm a lot of money and therefore act as a strong deterrent to proceeding with their takeover bid. The acquirer then builds up a substantial stake in its target at the current stock market price. Because this is done early in the morning, the target firm usually doesn’t get informed about the purchases until it is too late, and the acquirer now has a controlling interest.

This occurs when the acquiring company becomes a subsidiary of the company it purchases. In fact, it is an effective way for the private company to ‘float’ itself. In other words, it can go public without all the IPO expense and time. Energy giant ExxonMobil (XOM) entered into a merger agreement with Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD) in October 2023.

But Beijing’s plan to dominate the global EV space was already well underway. At the same time, the government set about marshaling all the raw materials Chinese companies would need for EV batteries and drivetrains, creating a domestic ecosystem for suppliers. In this way, its industrial policy for EVs copied past plans to dominate steel and solar panels — flood the market with supply until Chinese manufacturers were the only game in town. While the US’s strategy (or lack thereof) has left us without enough chargers or the right kind of inventory, China has the opposite problem.

What is the Corporate Takeover Process?

Corporate actions require the approval of the company’s board of directors (B of D), and, in some cases, approval from certain stakeholders. Corporate actions can vary, ranging from bankruptcy and liquidation to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) such as takeover bids. While the process above is how most friendly takeovers work, there are exceptions. In some acquisitions, an acquiring company may buy only limefx the assets of the target company, rather than the entire company itself. In this case, shareholders of the target company receive cash from the sale, but rather than becoming a part of the acquiring company, the target company simply becomes an empty shell. The potential acquirer in a takeover usually makes a bid to purchase the target, normally in the form of cash, stock, or a mixture of both.

Phrases Containing takeover

And in the case of hostile takeovers, the acquiring company bypasses the target company’s management and goes directly to the shareholders with a tender offer to purchase their outstanding shares. The most recent example of a takeover is Elon Musk’s pending acquisition of Twitter. Mr. Musk bought up Twitter’s stock to become its largest shareholder.